After a Scouting Pin has been created if it is no longer desired you can delete each one as needed. Follow the below instructions for deleting. When holding down on the field name to activate the delete functionality, make sure the text of the field name is what is being long pressed not the field image.
Open the Fields tab from the bottom of the screen, then select the Scouting tile.
Toggle from Map to List at the top of the screen to view the growers and fields.
Under List view, expand the grower and field name which contains the scouting date & pin desired to be deleted. Then, expand the Scouting Date to see the pins available. Long press and hold on the field name to then enter scouting pin selection mode.
Select on the Scouting Pin you wish to delete. Once selected, "Delete" will appear at the bottom of the screen. Choose "Delete."
*Only one scouting pin can be deleted at a time.
Proceed to delete by choosing "It's ok, delete."
A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the screen and the scouting pin will now be deleted from the field. Repeat the steps to delete other Scouting Pins as needed.
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