The new Enogen Tab is now accessible on the main Dashboard of GHX Fields for Authorized Enogen Sellers. This tab empowers users to conveniently oversee all their Enogen contracts in a single location. Tasks such as entering planting and harvest stewardship, making amendments, voiding contracts, resending contracts for signing, and accessing contract PDFs have become significantly more accessible.
This article covers various data points, available functions, and their locations within the Enogen Tab.
When the Enogen Tab is selected, ensure that the correct contract year is chosen before taking any actions. You can access this by clicking on the dropdown arrow located at the right end of the Enogen Tab.
Creating a New Enogen Contract
New Enogen Contracts will be created from the Plan tab at the top left of the screen and then selecting on the + icon towards the right side of the grower's account line.
General Information Displayed within the Contract Line
On the Enogen Tab, rather than encountering a distinct grower list as seen on the "Plan" tab, you will find a compilation of all grower contracts created under the corresponding Seller SAP ID. The Enogen Tab displays all contracts and their statuses, except for voided contracts. When a contract is voided, it is removed from the displayed list upon refreshing the page.
Below data points can be found by expanding the selection within each grower contract toward the right-end of the contract line.
1. Name/Segment: The left-hand side of each contract line will display the grower name, contract ID, and grower account information.
2. Enogen Assigned/Contracted Acres: Shows the Assigned field acres from the Stewardship page and the Enogen Acres specified in the contract. Additionally, the system calculates and presents the total number of assigned fields.
For instance: 250.33 Acres Allocated / 250 Acres Contracted across 7 assigned fields.
3. Contract Status: In the contract status column, you will find the current status of the contract, which may indicate various phases such as "Pending, Pending - Grower Signed, Complete, Amendment Pending, or Amendment Complete."
Additionally, the Contract Submission (creation) date, Signed - date Grower Signature was Completed, and Contract Approval Status will be displayed.
4. Stewardship: Stewardship comprises three distinct tasks: Field Selection, Planting Stewardship, and Harvest Stewardship. Here, you can view the real-time status of each task sent over from the Stewardship page.
5. Proposals:
An Acre Proposal offers a swift and simple method to choose recommended products, allocate a population per product, input acres for unit calculation, and create a PDF for sharing proposals with growers. Formerly known as "Product Plans," Acre Proposals have been rebranded and revamped with enhanced features such as "Place on Fields." Select the + icon to begin creating a proposal for the grower. Proposals are housed in the Proposal List after creation.
Field Proposals provides a rapid and straightforward method to produce product assignments/recommendations at a field level across multiple fields/farms simultaneously and generate a PDF for sharing with the grower. Formerly known as "Field Plans," Field Proposals have been rebranded and updated with new functionality. Select the + icon to begin creating a proposal for the grower. Proposals are housed in the Proposal List after creation.
6. Units Ordered / Contracted: The fraction shows the number of units ordered in CropEdge compared to the units needed for planting the contracted acres.
7. Resend for Signing: Enables the user to modify the phone number or email of the grower to whom the contract was sent for signing. Additionally, the contract can be resent using the same contact method as a reminder notification for the grower to sign their contract.
*Resend for Signing only appears in the actions bar if the contract status is less than Complete.
8. View Fields: The View Fields button in the actions bar enables you to promptly access Field Activities for the grower and add new fields or review mapped fields. (Note: This action does not assign fields to the contract.)
9. New Proposal: This button is also a quick action for creating a new proposal, similar to the two plus (+) icons referenced in point "5." Choosing "New Proposal" will prompt a pop-up where you can select to create either an Acre or Field Proposal.
10. Contract Details: The Contract Details button now contains all GrowMore360 functions, including options such as viewing the contract PDF, amending the contract, and voiding the contract. This also opens a quick view for reviewing contract details and the contract history log.
11. Stewardship: The Stewardship button opens the Stewardship page, allowing users to Assign Fields to the contract, input Planting Stewardship, and input Harvest Stewardship.
If you have any questions regarding this content, please reach out to us with the contact information provided below.
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