Assigning fields to an Enogen Contract usually takes place at the end of the growing season and is vital for fulfilling stewardship and compliance requirements. Accurate field assignment is key to maintaining the integrity of the Enogen program and ensuring all contractual obligations are met.
In Eluminate.Solutions, navigate to the Enogen Tab and find the grower's contract you wish to assign fields to. After selecting on the expansion arrow on the right hand side of the contract, you will then be able to see the option for Stewardship. Open Stewardship to proceed with Assigning Fields to this contract.
From the Stewardship page, select on Assign Fields from the top right corner.
Next, check the box beside the field names desired to be assigned to this contract. After marking the fields confirm if Border Rows are needed on each field to the right of the acres. Once all actions are completed, choose Assign Fields from the bottom right corner of the Enogen Contracting frame.
On the pop up, confirm the contract update by selecting Yes.
Contract Updated Successully banner will be displayed. You can then close the Enogen frame and work within another contract by returning to the Grower List.
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