Task records are a summary of field activities that are scheduled to be, are in process of, or have been completed. Tasks can be captured with minimal data points or with optional data points to answer the following statements, as needed for an operation's record keeping:
- When did the field activity take place
- Who applied the product(s) and/or service(s)
- Who authorized the task
- What field(s) did the field activity occur
- What product(s) and/or service(s) were applied to the field
- What method were the product(s) applied
- Why was the product(s) applied
- What were the weather conditions
To begin, navigate to the Tasks menu on the left side of the screen and select the + Create Task button in the upper-right corner.
Within the Details tab, begin capturing any information needed for the operation's record keeping. The mandatory data to capture, indicated by an asterisk *, includes Task ID, Task Status, Start Date & Time and Duration.
The Task Status list, along with their meaning, includes:
- Ready - A work order of field activities to be completed in the future
- In Progress - Field activities that are currently in progress of being completed
- Complete - An application record of field activities that have been completed
If an individual is missing either in the Authorized by or within the Applicator list, they will need to be captured in the People tab. For any Applicator Company that is missing, they will need to be captured in the Companies menu.
Next within the Properties tab, select which field(s) to tie to this task record. Only fields with crop zones within the current Crop Season, as listed at the top of the screen, can be selected.
The Total Applied acreage or the Coverage % across all selected fields can be adjusted as needed. Additional options are available within the ... button for each individual field which provides the opportunity to Edit the applied acreage or coverage % that field, or to Remove the field from the task record.
Next within the Products tab, search for any product or service to be recorded within a task. At least three characters must be captured to begin utilizing the search function. Each search result will display the manufacturer, standard unit of measure and EPA registration number, if applicable. To add a Product or Service to the task within the search results, select the green + button.
Custom products can also be created by selecting the + Create Custom button. This will allow a custom Fertilizer or Service to be created, or request an additional Seed or Crop Protection product be added.
Next, input the Rate and Unit of measurement for the selected product. Other data points are optional to select include Applied Area %, Price/(Total Product Unit), Application Method and Target Pest.
Repeat this process to add additional products or services to this task. Other product options includes the Application Options, which configures how you capture the amount of product applied, and sprayer tank information.
Lastly within the Weather tab, weather will be displayed for a task with Completed status selected for the start and end time. This information can be toggled off, if needed. To complete the task, select the Save button in the upper-right corner.
A lists of saved tasks will be available to then View or Edit, for example, within the ... additional options button.
If you have any questions regarding this content, please reach out to us with the contact information provided below.
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